Wanted: Leaders with Gravitas!

Wanted: Leaders with Gravitas!

 Last week I was reintroduced to a word that I had not seen in quite some time. The term is: gravitas. It means to have a “high seriousness.” One dictionary used this sentence in defining the word: The new leader has an air of gravitas that commands respect. I was actually unable to find an entry in the thesaurus that used in reference to this term. It is a good word. On this Election Day, I am reminded that we need local, state, and national leaders that possess gravitas.

It is not an easy time to be a leader any capacity. Constituents expect instantaneous results. That expectation is placed not only on politicians, but also on coaches, principals, and even church leaders. Leaders have an ever diminishing window of opportunity to perform miracles for the institutions they serve. If they do not produce results quickly, they are demonized.

Couple an expectation of a quick fix with the attitude of entitlement that is also endemic to our society, and there is a perplexing environment for leaders of all kinds. It is going to take people with gravitas to get the job done. Only a person that can command respect from people in the various generations and backgrounds can accomplish such a daunting feat. Leading in today’s world is not for the weak willed.

We are also a deeply divided nation. Political pundits from the left and the right and somewhere in between are fueling that division with negative and in many cases inaccurate rhetoric. The same kinds of individuals have platforms in schools, churches, and legitimate non-profit organizations. They are highly effective at dividing the social and religious institutions of our society that have the potential to make a difference in the lives of many. Once again individuals that possess gravitas are needed!

Get out and vote. It is your constitutional right. Be supportive of your school, church, and non-profit organizations that are serving your community. And be supportive of leaders that possess gravitas! We desperately need them!

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