Sincerity is Irresistible

Sincerity is Irresistible

 In a few months, Jeff Jeffries will start recruiting camp counselors and support staff for Royal Family Kids Camp. RFKC is a camp for abused and neglected children ages 8-11. Most of the kids that we host each year are in foster care that has been ordered by Child Protective Services of Texas. All of the children have been severely abused in some shape or form.

Serving on the staff for a camp of this nature is no easy feat. You might even think that someone would start ducking for cover when they know Jeffries is in recruiting mode. But few people are going to tell the 60 year old retired telephone man “no” when he comes around. When it comes to serving kids in need, he is a man of unquestioned credibility. Tonight I was reminded of that fact.

I heard a short, but moving presentation this evening  by a 16 year old regarding my friend Jeff Jeffries. Wade moved to Granbury with his mother just over 6 years ago following a divorce. Getting accustomed to living in a new community when your father is over 5 hours away is not what a 10 year old boy relishes. Wade’s mother knew that boy needed some positive male role models for her son.

Enter Jeff Jeffries. He was on the case before Wade could hardly unpack his bags. He took Wade to play golf. He took him to sporting events. Jeffries and his sweet wife Pinkie even showed up at Wade’s ballgames.

Wade is a typical boy. He has made some poor choices along the way. In each of those cases, the former Ma Bell installer was there to encourage and sometimes communicate some very strong words! Wade appreciates Jeff today, but in a few years that spirit of gratitude will be far deeper.

I needed to hear Wade’s reflections tonight regarding our mutual golf partner, Jeff Jeffries. I become very weary of hearing people who have no idea what it means to serve others tell me how I can do a better job. It is not helpful. But men like Jeff possess immense credibility, because they are actually doing something. They are living it! And that is why no one will turn him down for Royal Family Kids Camp duty. Sincerity is irresistible

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