The Biggest Loser Separates from the Oreos…

The Biggest Loser Separates from the Oreos…

As I navigated my way through the typical Saturday afternoon Walmart mayhem, I went straight to the cooler with the low-fat milk.  I passed by the oreos as if they did not even exist.  I could hear them faintly calling my name as I made way to the next aisle, but I was determined not to respond.  I don’t like to hurt feelings, and I know the oreos were feeling the rejection.
As I stocked my cart with a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, a very nice lady shared with how to cook artichokes in fresh butter. I concluded that even the produce section was not a safe place.  I quickly finished up and starting looking for the shortest check out line.  I maneuvered my cart in behind an older gentleman, and nearly laughed out loud when I saw what spoils he was about to purchase.
His shopping cart had several food items marketed by Weight Watchers.  But amongst the traditional diet food he had a half gallon of Blue Bell Ice Cream.  I am not talking about Diet Blue Bell.  He had the real stuff!   There is nothing on the face of the earth better than Blue Bell.  Blue Bell ice cream and Texas summers are synonymous.
My first thought was: The content of this guy’s shopping cart represents the very nature of the human condition.  There is a part of us that makes good, solid choices. And then there is another dimension of our being that is pulled toward what may not be so good for us….Blue Bell can help you add a few pounds for sure. That was my first thought…  I can’t help it. I have spent too many years studying theology.
Subsequent thoughts took a slightly different direction.  You see I am right in the middle of a “Biggest Loser” contest with the employees of the Granbury Police Department.  They were kind of enough to include their chaplain in this concerted effort to keep everyone in excellent physical condition.  That is why I have experienced what could become a permanent separation from the oreos.   As the man in front of me paid out and headed home to dig into his Blue Bell, I was proud for him.
The officers I work with everyday have inspired me to make some serious lifestyle changes. I have been exercising and eating a great diet. It is already paying off.  I have dropped some pounds.  But I must realize that there are times to enjoy a little Blue Bell occasionally.
Now on the other hand I am extremely competitive.  I really want to be the biggest loser.  Never mind that I am the oldest guy in the competition.  I am not letting that deter me. And I am also quite sure that I have more to lose than those flat belly, young whipper-snapper officers.  I will just have to try harder.  And a little sabotage never hurts either.  (I brought homemade cookies to the office last week.) 

In all seriousness, all of us must be both physically and mentally fit to serve in our respective roles.  The competition is a good thing.  And when it is over, I may have to slip into Walmart and buy just one carton of homemade vanilla Blue Bell ice cream

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