Just Go!

Just Go!

I didn’t want to go Friday. I had too much to get done. I didn’t really have time…  A lady from church is hospitalized in a rehabilitation hospital in Ft. Worth.  I needed to go see her Friday morning, but I had so many things in the office that needed to be completed before the end of the day.  I went anyhow.  When I arrived, she was not in her room. (It is a rehabilitation hospital!)  I headed toward the elevator feeling a little deflated and overwhelmed with tasks that awaited me back in Granbury.
I was not able to remain preoccupied for long.  A lady waiting for the elevator with me was outwardly distraught.  She appeared on the verge of tears. I wondered what she had encountered on the same hospital floor where I just attempted a visit.  We entered the elevator together.  She immediately noticed my law enforcement chaplain shirt.  She proceeded to inquire about that role.  And then it was my turn.  I asked: “What brings you to the hospital today?” By the time we had reached ground level, she had told me about a family member who is critically ill.  This individual’s care has fallen primarily to her.
And then she asked me a question I was not expecting.  She said: “As a chaplain do you serve people of all religions?”  I should have said: “I serve people.”  In fact, “I serve all people.”  I wasn’t thinking that quickly on my feet, so I just said “yes.”   She proceeded to tell me about the diverse religious backgrounds of her family members.  I listened carefully.  I gave her my business card and told her that I will gladly return to the hospital to pray with her family member or serve them however I am able.
I left the parking lot with a strong reminder imprinted on my heart.  Start the day with a good attitude. Go through the day with a willing spirit. When the opportunity to serve arises, just go. There is no need to dwell on what is stacked up on the desk, or fret over deadlines.  Just go. I can’t predict how God is going to intervene in my life, or how He will choose to orchestrate circumstances.  I simply need to be responsive to the opportunities that are consistently presented to me.  And in the process, enjoy the blessing of unexpected encounters!
Where you are supposed to be today? Who do you need to go see?  Don’t hesitate.  Cast aside lame excuses.  Just go.

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