The Secret Garden

The Secret Garden

 God works in mysterious ways that are well beyond human comprehension. Eight years ago I auditioned for a role in a stage production of The Secret Garden. Daniel was 10 years old at the time. Somehow I talked him into reading for a part as well. That was in June of 2002.
Not along after both of us read for roles there were events that took place in our extended family that were unpleasant and disruptive. I would love to say that I was an innocent victim standing in the sidelines. I would not even mind saying that I was a victim, but neither are true. My own pride and unwillingness to let go of years of hurt that had been stuffed caused the entire mess. Ironically the whole mess that occurred that summer was unrelated to the events of the past. The past had to be addressed head on, but I was not ready.

Right before school started we were chosen for parts in that classic play. Daniel, who was ten years at the time, was cast in a lead role. He would play Collin. I was selected to be the old cranky gardener. As you can imagine, I got ribbed about type casting!

Daniel learned his lines quickly and he learned my lines not along after that. I struggled to work, learn lines, and continue to teach at the university part time as well. In the midst of all the busyness, I was feeling a profound sense of personal hopelessness and depression. The play was actually a lifesaver. It gave me something fun to do during a tough time. But more importantly the message of the Secret Garden starting penetrating my heart

The play is about reconciliation. It communicates a message of hope. The characters change for the better. Events of the past are repaired. People are drawn together in a renewed sort of way. I got to experience it onstage. And furthermore it was a shared experience with my ten year old son.

I was reading a blog earlier this evening and I noticed on the writer’s profile that her favorite book was The Secret Garden. I did not read it as a boy. It is a girl’s book! But I had the privilege of entertaining our community with that great story as an adult.

Daniel is not ten years old anymore. He is eighteen. He starts his freshman year in college in a few days. Our family situation is much better today. We have experienced reconciliation and a renewal in our extended family. I can’t help but think tonight that the seeds of hope planted during that dark time via the experience in doing The Secret Garden played a key role in the above mentioned reconciliation.

My journey of repairing family related damage done in the past has taken me to several states the past few years. Numerous phone calls, emails, and personal visits have taken place. I have gotten reacquainted with people I had not seen since I was a small child. I have gone to visit the home where I grew up as a small boy. The list is pretty long! And it has been a great adventure.

It all started with The Secret Garden. I laugh now when I picture Daniel being in the role of young Collin. But I don’t laugh about the mysterious providential events that took place in the summer of 2002. My advice to those who are facing family brokenness today is not to give up hope. I would urge you to do everything within your power to repair relationships and seek reconciliation. And most of all be open to God’s mysterious and extraordinary ways of working in your life.

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