I Don’t Like Change!

I Don’t Like Change!

 “Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts.” -Arnold Bennett

I hate to admit it, but I don’t like change. I like some semblance of consistency. That principle is not true of every dimension of my life. I enjoy hearing new music. I must admit that classic rock is still the best. I like going to new places to eat. I always return to my favorite mom and pop establishments where everybody knows my name though… I really enjoy meeting new people! But I must admit that I treasure longstanding friendships that in some cases date back to my childhood. I guess I really don’t like change.

Actually there is a particular kind of change that I will never learn to be accustomed to. I value the people I interact with on a regular basis. When the high school principal retired, I didn’t take it too well. She was so good to my boys. I could never say enough good things about the influence she had in the lives of my two older boys. I am quite sure that the principal who assumed that role very recently is going to do a fine job, but I still miss her! I don’t like change.

Quite naturally I become attached to the troopers with the Texas Highway Patrol, and the officers serving the Granbury Police Dept. In my estimation, they need to remain in their respective roles right here in Granbury for the duration of their careers, because I like them. I enjoy working with them. But that is not going to happen. Troopers promote and move to a new area. City officers are hired by Federal and State agencies and move on to new adventures. It is just more change and I don’t like it.

On my more rational days, I have a better outlook about such matters. On those days, I am able to be happy for those promoting in their jobs or opening a new chapter in their lives. Such changes actually prompt some personal growth on my part. I am slowly learning to value every relationship I enjoy for what it is today. It could change in a flash. That person could move away tomorrow. Unexpected death or illness can take a person away from us in a flash. I don’t even like to think about it…

The discomfort of change can become a good thing. Valuing people is important. Being grateful for every single person we are privileged to interact with is essential. A day should not go by that I do not express my appreciation to those whom I have grown to love and care about.

There is another way to view the inevitable transitions of life. When people move away, doors are opened to make new friends. When principals retire, a new person must assume that role. An opportunity arises to get to know and value those individuals. And that can’t help but be a good thing.

I am thankful that I expressed these thoughts. I am feeling pretty rational today. I am choosing not take anyone for granted. I appreciate my friends and the people I work with everyday both in church and community settings. But they had all better stay put and not budge from their present role, because I don’t like change! Hmm…maybe I am not so rational today after all…I will get with some friends tonight and we will go out to eat somewhere.  That will help me retun to a more rational state.  And of course we will go somewhere where the entire wait staff knows my name!

2 thoughts on “I Don’t Like Change!

  1. Since email and Facebook, I feel a lot less stressed when people move away. I know I will be able to stay in touch if we both want to. When all the high school kids from my weekend job went away to college this fall, I was glad to know I could keep in touch on Facebook.

  2. That is so right! I was just thinking about facebook in that light yesterday as we talked about the students who were on the debate team last year, who are now in college.

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