Everyone Deserves a Second Chance

Everyone Deserves a Second Chance

It is the calm before the storm, and I am enjoying it immensely. I am sitting in my dorm room at camp in anticipation of being invaded by over 100 middle school boys in a matter of hours. I will be meeting and getting to know my counseling staff throughout the afternoon. One of my counselors from the high school session is back again this week. I asked him about his summer this morning, and received an unexpected reply.

He told me that he was involved in a ministry training program right out of high school that did not work out for him last year. He also told me that he was thinking in terms of reenrolling this fall. I informed him that I would put together a letter of reference. He head hung a little low, and he then informed that he had indeed been asked to leave that program last year. I said: “I know that.” I could tell by his demeanor that was case from the very beginning. I then informed him that is precisely why I need to write a letter on his behalf.

I suppose when an 18 or 19 year old kid sees an old man, like myself, he thinks that I am some kind of super responsible Christian, who has not made a major mistake in over a decade. Think again. I have just lived long enough to know that everyone needs an advocate periodically. Someone to provide a defense…Someone to speak on their behalf…And I lived long enough to be an authority on doing dumb things.

I am going to sit that young man down, and tell him a story about a 19 year old who was asked to leave a very good academic institution, because he failed an entire semester. He just quit attending classes. He did not even have the good sense to go and drop the courses. An entire semester was washed away. That 19 year old needed someone to come to his defense. He needed someone to tell him that there is such a thing as a new beginning. He needed a word of hope. Thankfully there were people who did just that.

That 19 year old is 47 today. He finally finished his undergraduate degree. He then went on to earn two graduate level degrees. And somewhere in that educational process, he learned to write letters. I am praying for my young friend during this calm before the storm. I am thankful for everyone who has come to my defense over the years. They are too numerous to mention. And I am composing a letter in my head, because everyone deserves a second chance.

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