Help Me Not to Get in the Way!
Monday afternoon one of co-workers lost her father. He died very suddenly and unexpectedly. I did not know him well, but I always appreciated the brief interchanges we would have occasionally. And I knew him by reputation as well. He was highly respected in this area. As I sat with the family in the tiny family room adjacent to the ER, an interesting fact about his life was revealed. It was his habit to pray the following prayer everyday: “Lord, lead me to the people I can serve today. And help me not to get in the way.” I love it!
God accomplishes His purposes despite our human frailties and shortcomings.
I took his cue Tuesday morning bright and early. That is precisely what I prayed, as I drove into work. Little did I know that my troopers here with the Texas Dept. of Public Safety here in Granbury were investigating a fatality accident at the very moment I was praying? The direction my day would take was about to take an unexpected turn.
I reported to the scene of the crash, as requested by the investigating trooper.
As I drove out there, I thought about what I had prayed earlier that morning.
I prayed again: But this time I stressed the “don’t let me get in the way part more.” In my role as DPS chaplain, I am placed in the position of bonding with people in severe crisis in a matter of minutes. As a rule, I don’t know them, or have any previous relational history. Divine intervention is therefore paramount in such situations.
In this case, the family was comprised of hard working and very decent people.
They could have been mine or your next door neighbors. The victim was a wife and mother and grandma. It was immediately apparent that her family held her high esteem. I tried to treat them precisely like I would want my loved ones treated in a similar set of circumstances the day of the crash. And I thought a lot about not getting in the way…