What is the Worst Thing You Have Ever Seen?

What is the Worst Thing You Have Ever Seen?

What is the worst thing you ever seen? The EMT’s and Paramedics I serve tell me this is a common question. These are people that do not work in the field. I have a hunch they have some sort of dramatized image of the service of EMS personnel conjured up in their head. For some odd reason people feel compelled ask that question. What is worst thing you have ever seen?

Can I offer a response for my EMS friends? I don’t think they will mind. Get ready. You may want to sit down first.  As a rule, individuals who pose that question cannot handle the answer. They are not ready for the response they will receive.

My young EMT’s and paramedics were not born when I began my work serving first responders, so I am quite aware of the worst things they have seen and experienced.  In some cases, I was also present at the scene. If you heard about the worst calls, you might even experience secondary trauma.

It is not what you think either. It is not about blood and gore.  It is about the emotional impact of trauma. The person who goes into cardiac arrest unexpectedly has a family.  In many cases, that family is not far away during such incidences.  Responding to calls that involve children is excruciating. You really do not want to know… People are victims of the recklessness of other humans. And perpetuators of crimes against persons leave a path of destruction that affects a lot of people.

Can I offer some friendly advice? Don’t ask an EMT or Paramedic about the worst thing they have seen. You are asking your friend to relive a traumatic event for no good reason.

Choose instead to reaffirm life. If you see a group of EMS personnel eating in a restaurant, pick up their ticket.  Drop some goodies off at the station. Send an affirming card in the mail.  You can just sign the card as an “anonymous person who cares.” If you see them doing good work, send a note to their supervisor. Drop some gift cards to a local restaurant in the mail.  That is another gesture that can be done anonymously.

What is the worst thing you ever seen?  Don’t ask that question. You are not ready for the answer.  Here is a better question:  How are you doing?  And when you ask, wait for the response. Be quick listen and slow to speak. Reaffirm life. Be kind. Show some compassion. Being in EMS is especially difficult right now.

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